Welcome to my coffee shrine!

I'm actually a big fan of making and drinking coffee. I mainly make and drink pour-over coffee because it's not only easy to make and fairly cost-effective, but tastes great when freshly made. I've grown up with two parents who are daily coffee drinkers and have been drinking this stuff daily for a few years now. Before I moved out, one of my dreams for having my own place was having a way to have fresh cups of coffee every day to drink while sunshine comes through my window. Well, I'm happy to say I'm enjoying that right now. I'm going to put some links to pour-over coffee basics down below and list some current blends I've enjoyed or are currently enjoying. My goal is to try as much as I can! I usually prefer a light roast. The more kinds I try, the more I'll add to the list.

Here's what the different roast types mean
Here's how to make pour-over coffee
More info
Even more info

Coffee Beans I love:
The Roasterie Kansas City Blend(local flavor, literally lmao)

My equipment: (nothing fancy or sponsored lol)
Link to my electric kettle
Link to my electric bean grinder
lLink to my coffee dripper
Link to disposable coffee filters
Link to my brita filter pitcher
Links to some cute mugs: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/

Stay tuned for more stuff to be added!

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